The Painful Sex Course for Catholic Women

You can experience pain free sex!

Sex isn't supposed to hurt. You deserve to experience pleasurable sex with zero pain. It's time to heal your body and mind and achieve pain free sex!

Are you experiencing any of these?

  • Penetration is painful or even impossible

  • Sex hurts at first but gets better as you loosen up

  • Sex feels fine at first but it hurts afterward

  • Orgasm is painful

  • Your husband's ejaculation causes you pain

  • Sex sometimes feels great and sometimes hurts

  • You're fearful of sex hurting and that makes it hard to get in the mood

  • You've tried pelvic floor therapy and/or dilators and it didn't help

If you experience any of these, then The Painful Sex Course for Catholic Women is right for you!

Painful sex is not just a physical problem

One sided solutions don't work. We are a body-soul union. That means we need to heal BOTH the body and the mind!

Healing the Mind

Your mind is powerful. Our thoughts create the way we act and respond to situations. When it comes to sex, our thoughts influence almost everything about our experience with sex.

In this course we approach your history with sex and your mindset about sex. Through thought and journaling exercises, you'll work to heal your mental relationship with sex leading to the ability to experience sex with no pain!

Healing the Body

It's not just about the mind though. Yes our brain is powerful, but pain with sex typically has a physical component too.

In this course you'll learn breathing and relaxation techniques that will allow you to tune into your pelvic core and bring it to a state of relaxation and openness (things absolutely necessary for pain free sex!). You'll also work through exercises to tone and strengthen your pelvic floor and core (also vital to pain free sex!)

Welcome to:

The Painful Sex Course for Catholic Women

Heal your body and mind at the same time to experience sex with zero pain!

I believe that every woman can experience sex with no pain. That means you too.

Pain with sex of ANY amount is not normal. You deserve pain free sex. You CAN have pain free sex!

Through pre-recorded videos, live group coaching, and live pelvic floor workouts, you'll receive the tools needed to transform your sex and experience ZERO pain with sex.

What are others saying?

"I have so much better of communication and I'm so much more comfortable with sex and the place it has in my life as a Catholic Woman" - Marie

"Because this course is Catholic, I knew I could trust it would not lead me away from church teaching but actually enlighten my understanding in a very safe way" - Anonymous participant

"I only wish I found this sooner.
Sex has been the absolute biggest struggle in my marriage, and Ellen honestly is providing life changing information. I have hope for the physical aspect in my marriage where for a long time I had none."

What are women saying?

This course explores everything and answers every question I ever thought of asking, and even questions I didn’t know to ask.

Having grown up in a highly saturated purity culture, I was too anxious to even explore the concept of an orgasm, and even felt dirty and selfish about it.

However, this course was a great source of healing, and restored the beauty and innocence that orgasm was always meant to have. very educational! This course was exactly exactly what I needed as a virgin prior to my first sexual encounter. It prepared me well!

— Kathleen R.

I enjoyed this course I felt like it was really helpful, and that it will improve my marriage relationship and ability to increase my intimacy within my marriage.

— Patricia C

I’m almost done and want to watch a second time but with my husband. I have found it super helpful so far, especially the things we wish our spouses knew but we don’t mention to avoid sounding like we want to control everything.

— Anonymous

Why this course is different:

Two-pronged approach: body and mind!

The scientific community knows that painful sex is a psychophysical phenomenon. That means healing requires both mind AND body.

The problem is, most painful sex solutions only focus on healing the body.

This course focuses equally on BOTH your mindset and your body!

Things we'll never tell you to do:

We'll never tell you to use a dilator. Healing doesn't have to require external devices like dilators. We'll teach you how to tune into your pelvic floor and work toward relaxation and strength.

We'll also never tell you that you need to masturbate or arouse yourself in order to heal. That's just ridiculous!

Muscle release may in some cases require manual release, but this is much different than masturbation and/or dilators

Totally Catholic

Ellen Holloway is a Catholic sex and intimacy coach. Ellen covers mindset and some basic sex education for this course.

Veronica Stephens is a Catholic fitness coach with certifications in pelvic floor work. Veronica covers all the anatomy and pelvic floor work for this course.

We'll teach you how to achieve pain free sex from a totally Catholic foundation!

I've tried it all, nothing has worked to heal my painful sex...

Painful sex is not your fault.

Let me say that again: Painful sex is not your fault.

If nothing has been working to fix your painful sex:

You've probably been told some lies and misconceptions about sex that lead to painful sex, and then you've probably been given some bad advice about healing painful sex!

One of the most common misconceptions is pushing through pain.

"Oh sex will just hurt the first few times, just push through and it will be fine!"

If you've been told that, I'm so sorry. It very likely made your painful sex worse. That's because pushing through pain with sex actually triggers your brain to associate pain with sex.

It makes it harder to relax in the future and get aroused because your brain is telling you sex=pain!

We have to stop the cycle of pain, get in touch with our pelvic floor muscles, learn to relax, and rewrite the script in our head!

If that sounds hard or overwhelming, don't worry! We're going to walk with you each step of the way through this course and the live coaching.

You deserve to experience pain free sex. Join us today!

The Painful Sex Course for Catholic Women

  • Over 10 videos covering mindset, church teaching, and pelvic floor work

  • Expert guidance from Catholic sex and intimacy coach Ellen Holloway and Catholic pelvic floor specialist Veronica Stephens

  • Weekly check-ins for 6 weeks, and monthly check-ins for 6 months

  • 3 live group coaching calls with Ellen (will be recorded)

  • 3 live group workouts with Veronica (will be recorded)

  • 6 months of access to all videos and live session recordings

All for just $397!


How long do I have access?

Access doesn't expire. You'll be able to come back and review the lessons as many times as you need to!

Who is this course for?

This course is written for the married woman who is searching for solidly Catholic info about sexual pleasure and orgasm. If you're engaged, you're also welcome, but I would caution you that not everything in this course is appropriate until you're married. You know yourself best, do what is prudent for you!

Does the course content align with Catholic teaching?

Yes! Everything in this course is shared from an authentically Catholic foundation. I've done the hard work of sifting through secular resources that have some....not so good info in them. Here you'll find the good stuff and only the good stuff. I will never recommend practices contrary to Catholic teaching (i.e. masturbation or pornography)

What does this course cover?

The course covers everything from physical arousal and anatomy to mindset to the spiritual side of things to the relational aspect between husband and wife. This course is unique in its all encompassing approach that integrates both theology and up to date sexology.

Why should I purchase this course?

You deserve to feel the incredible and deeply unifying pleasure that is designed to accompany sex. If you’re not experiencing that within your marriage currently, I urge you to watch the content of this course and start working toward orgasm within your marriage. Also St. John Paul II called it a justice issue if the woman doesn’t receive orgasm, so you are justified in receiving this information!

What if I need more support after taking this course?

If after going through the modules you realize you really need some additional support, I'd love to chat with you about my one-on-one coaching program. Email [email protected] to get started!

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